Star Wars Domination


Can you imagine a world where Star Wars Dominates the MMOverse? After reading a post from Dragon at Kill Ten Rats, I signed into the open beta for Clone Wars Adventures from SOE. What if in his infinite wisdom, Lucas designed this whole diabolical plan to create a cartoon based on his franchise, then have a group design a youth targeted MMO to go along with it. This will suck in a huge player base who when they outgrow the kiddy MMO, but still bleed Star Wars, sign up to the more mature Star Wars MMO being The Old Republic. (Let’s face it, Galaxies has an end finite lifespan.) Pure brilliance! No matter who makes these games, Lucas gets paid. No matter what age the player base is, Lucas gets paid. No matter what critics say, Lucas gets paid. Say what you want about the man’s vision after the prequels, but the man knows how to make a dime. After generations have lived, breathed, eaten, and drank Star Wars for most of their lives you may see what the true power of the force is…the force of billions of dollars that is!


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